Hello again, friends. This is another Q&A episode with some really great questions. Wanted to let you know that I am now doing a bonus question each week on youtube and facebook. I also mention the video about finding a therapist online. You can find that at http://duffthepsych.com/findatherapist
Here are the questions that I cover:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, my friends! Another awesome Q & A for you this week. Couple links that I mentioned in the show. Here's the cognitive rampage podcast: http://adamlowery.com/podcasts/ and here is that episode about TMS therapy that I mentioned: http://psychsessions.com/2017/01/01/ps-039-treating-depression-with-transcranial-magnetic-stimulation-tms/
Anyways, here are the questions I cover:
As always you can find my on social @duffthepsych and you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, friends. We are back to the Q&A this week. Thanks so much for your super awesome feedback on the last episode with my wife. If you'd like to hear more from her, let me know! At the start I ramble a little bit about the importance of advertising and allowing me to make a living so that I can continue to put all this work in for free. Here are the amazing questions that we go through in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and hit me up on social @duffthepsych!
Very special episode this week for you! I've been meaning to get my wife on the show for a good while now. This is the first time that I've ever interviewed her about her experiences with mental illness. I have talked about her in my TEDx talk and my books, so this was a really nice opportunity to sit down for a while and just chat about her life. We talk about what it's like being married to me, her earliest anxiety experiences, motherhood, her hospitalization, and things that have helped her progress in her mental health journey.
Next week should be a Q&A episode, so please keep sending me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and follow my wife on social @joellecharming
For this episode, I was feeling a little too overwhelmed by the week to do a Q&A so instead I decided to talk to you all about breathing. We talk about different breathing exercises and how to practice them so that they are useful to you in moments of stress or anxiety. We cover the physiological mechanism behind relaxation breathing. Finally, we briefly cover mindfulness and meditative breathing.
The tone of this whole episode is a bit more calm and subdued. I hope that it's relaxing as well as informative!
As always you can send me your questions for future Q&As to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, friends! Good news - your boy is official! I finally passed all of the hurdles and paid all of my money and got my license as a clinical psychologist in California. It's super meaningful for me and I appreciate you being a part of the journey.
Anyway, this is another great question and answer episode. Here's what I cover:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com!
Hello, friends. Thanks for joining me again for another question and answer episode. Wanted to let you know that I've been doing instagram stories over at http://instagram.com/duffthepsych. Check them out if you would like a little snapshot into my day to day life as a psychologist/dad/entrepreneur etc.
Here are the questions covered in this episode:
As always you can send me your anonymous questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and I'll see you next time!
Hello, friends! Thanks for tuning in. In this episode, I take 3 more awesome question from you listeners. There are a couple questions from younger people, which I think is awesome. I decided to livestream this episode on my facebook page. I will try to do more of that in the future, so keep your eyes out for Tuesday night live video on the facebook page over at http://facebook.com/duffthepsych
Here are the questions covered in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hey, friends! In this episode, I do something a bit different. I guess you could say that this is a deep dive episode that was prompted by a listener question. Someone wrote in and wanted to know more about what got me into the field of psychology in the first place and what appeals to me about it. So I get a little personal and tell you about my early life, experiences, and journey through the field of psychology. I hope you enjoy!
Next week will most likely be another question and answer episode, so please continue sending me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, friends! I just want to take a minute to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to listen and for sending in questions to help me create this content. Also wanted to give you a heads up that I will be off of social media for next week. Anyways, here are the questions covered in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and if you are not yet following me on social, get on that. I'm @duffthepsych on everything.
Hello, friends! Another Q & A episode for you today. If you are not yet, please follow me on facebook at http://facebook.com/duffthepsych I've been doing some cool content over there that I talk about at the top of the episode.
Here are the questions tackled in this episode:
As always, you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hey, friends! Thanks for the patience during my week off. I talk about about that at the beginning of this episode. The remainder is dedicating to helping you understand the issue of confidentiality in psychotherapy. If you have ever wondered what information is kept private vs when a therapist can share your info, this episode is for you. This turned out to be a longer episode, because it's fairly comprehensive. I cover what you need to know about confidentiality and reporting in regards to:
And more. Next week will be a Q&A episode, so shoot me your questions about mental health, psychology, and life to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Okay, my friends! I think this was a great episode. I got to cover some really interesting questions that I am sure apply to many of you out there. Don't forget to check out my TEDx talk at http://duffthepsych.com/tedx. Here are the questions that are covered in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, friends! First off, please go check out my TEDx talk at http://duffthepsych.com/tedx it would mean the world to me.
This episode is another question and answer session. I'm getting sick, so pardon any sniffles or brain farts. Here are the questions that I cover:
As always you can email me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com or hit my up on social media at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych
Episode 50, guys! Woohooo!!! Man. Crazy stuff. Thank you SO FREAKIN MUCH for your continued collaboration on this podcast. Your questions and inspiration keep it going. In this episode, I reflect a bit on the journey so far and then share a few victory stories sent in by listeners. It is always important to give yourself credit for big and small moments of success when you are living with mental illness.
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you! Let's keep this goin. Send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and I'll see you next week.
Hey, everyone! Please continue to send me in your mental health success stories both big and small. I have a few good ones, but I want more! I will be reading them on the next episode, which is freakin' episode 50!!! SO AWESOME WTFBBQ!!!
Ahem. Here are today's questions.
You can send me your questions and success stories to duffthepsych@gmail.com or on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych
Hello, friends!
GASP! I forgot to record a podcast. I mean... I remembered, but I didn't remember in time for my usual midnight upload time. Oh well. You probably don't care.
HEY! I would love to hear your personal mental health success stories big and small. Please send them over to me in the next couple weeks for episode 50!
Here are this week's questions:
As always you can send me your questions (and success stories) to duffthepsych@gmail.com or on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych
This episode is another deep dive episode. I decided at the last minute to go ahead and do a little rundown of my personal tips for public speaking. In particular these are tips that help me with memorization, managing stress, and knocking it out of the park when it comes to "performance" style speeches such as keynotes or TED style talks. I recently did a TEDx talk in my community, which is what prompted this entire topic. Stay tuned for that video once it's released.
Enjoy these tips and let me know if I should do anything special for Episode 50! Hit me up on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych or at duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, my friends! Just wanted to say thanks again so much for always sending in such awesome, honest, and brave questions. You guys are amazing. In this episode I take a couple questions that are related to dealing with significant others who have mental illness.
Here are the questions covered:
As always you can send your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com or hit me up on social media @duffthepsych.
Hello, friends! In this episode I take three new awesome questions. We cover the whole board from going heavy into some complicated terminology about neurobiology and testing all the way to hitting you with some hard truths about "saving" a relationship. Please consider sharing the show with the people in your life and on social media. You never know who might need to hear the answers to these questions. Here are the specific questions covered this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com or you can hit me up on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych
Alrighty, folks! Got another 3 questions to answer for you today. First off I wanted to say thanks for the recent influx of questions. I have many to choose from, which is awesome. Keep sending them in!
As a reminder, you can find info about my books at hardcoreselfhelp.com or by looking up hardcore self help on Amazon.
So here are the questions covered in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com or @duffthepsych on all social media.
Heavy hitting questions today. Love it! I'm a little sick in this episode, so please pardon any congestion etc. That said, there are some really good points in this episode, particularly in relation to the first question.
I dropped a couple links in the intro. Here they are: http://duffthepsych.com/dementia for my new book and http://duffthepsych.com/resources for all sorts of psych resources that I like.
Here are the questions covered in this episode:
As always please send me your questions (and share the show). You can reach me via email at duffthepsych@gmail.com or on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych