Hey, everyone!
This episode is missing some of the normal bells and whistles that you are used to. No intro music. No disclaimers or fancy editing. I am currently out of town and my remote desktop failed me, so I don't have access to my normal episode template.
In this episode, I take one really good listener question about whether it's strange to feel upset about their counselor dying and what they can do about comparing future counselors to their last one, since it was a good experience for them.
As always, you can send your questions and topic suggestions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and find the full show notes at http://duffthepsych.com/episode168
This is a fantastic interview with Dr. Laura Copley, a trauma specialist, who focuses on posttraumatic growth and resilience. We go through many important facts and misconceptions about trauma. We talk about the difference between resilience and posttraumatic growth. We even dive into a couple exercises that people currently contenting with trauma reactions can use to start living life on their terms.
If you have questions or topic suggestions, please send them over to me at duffthepsych@gmail.com!
Hello, friends!
This is a Q&A episode in which I tackle the following:
As always, you can send me questions and topic suggestions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Full show notes also available at duffthepsych.com/episode166
This is a really nice interview with psychiatrist Suvrat Bhargave. We talk about lessons that he has learned in his practice including how to let go of shame and why you don't need to hit rock bottom to have important moments of insight. He is very personable and cares about meeting people where they are at rather than speaking in jargon and working hard to seem like the expert. He challenges the stereotype that psychiatrists are unapproachable and only want to focus on medication management.
Full episode notes available at http://duffthepsych.com/episode165
Next week is another Q&A episode, so send your questions or topic suggestions to duffthepsych@gmail.com