Hello, friends! There are several episodes of the podcast that I refer back to constantly. Episode 26, where I talk all about sleep is one of those. I talk about it in other podcast episodes, I talk about it with my patients, and I talk about it with people in my daily life. It turns out that at 180 episodes of the podcast so far, episode 26 is kind of hard to find. A lot of podcast players only keep the most recent 100 episodes. So, I'm re-doing it. This is not a re-release of that episode, but a re-recording of it with some new thoughts added in.
In this episode, I talk about why sleep is important for memory, health, and mental health. From there, I talk about important sleep hygiene tips that will help you get better sleep. If you have any trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, this episode is for you!
If you have questions or topic suggestions, please send them to duffthepsych@gmail.com!
Sponsors for this episode are Creating Better Days CBD products (coupon code SELFHELP) and Warby Parker!