Hello, friends! Great episode for you today featuring questions that are follow-ups on previous questions. Here's what I cover:
As always, you can send me questions for future episodes to duffthepsych@gmail.com and find the show notes at http://duffthepsych.com/episode316
This episode of Hardcore Self Help is sponsored by Magic Mind and BetterHelp.
Magic Mind contains a magical combination of 12 active ingredients, scientifically designed to improve energy, improve focus, decrease stress, and improve mood — all things that combined, improve your productivity. Get 40% off your subscription at www.magicmind.co/duff with my discount code DUFF20.
If you are in a mental health slump, consider reaching out to a licensed professional to help. BetterHelp has a large counselor network and you can begin chatting with someone very quickly. Check out betterhelp.com/duff to get 10% off your first month.