This episode is kind of a hybrid. It's not quite an interview. More of a collaborative question and answer session. I sat down with my friend Skye Stifel, a school psychologist that I went to grad school with, to answer your questions about kids and adolescents. Good stuff!
Please head over to to learn more about my 10-week intensive anxiety bootcamp!
As always, please send me your questions for future episodes to
Hello, friends!! Today's episode is a question and answer session. I think it turned out pretty well despite some annoying flooding that happened in my office this week, which I talk about in the episode.
Hey, if you are interested in taking your anxiety from a 9 to a 3 and taking back control of your life, be sure to follow me on twitter at and on facebook at because I will VERY soon be opening up pre-orders for my 10-week online course, Kick Anxiety's Ass. Stay tuned.
Here are the questions covered in this episode:
If you have questions for a future episode, please send them on over to
Hi, friends! Thanks for tuning in again. As always, I really appreciate your support and participation in this podcast. In this episode, I am interviewing Quinn Gee. She is a therapist, business owner, and all around badass. We talk about how she got into therapy, her own identity development, what it's like being a therapist, and some concepts related to black mental health. It was a great talk.
Next week should be a regular question and answer episode, so send your questions to
Be sure to show Quinn some love at:
In this episode, I talk about options for depression that just does not seem subside despite your best efforts. If you have tried therapy, medication, and all of the other things that we are supposed to do to tackle depression, but you still can't put a dent in it, you may have "treatment resistant depression". It can be extremely frustrating to fall into this category, but I want to reassure you that there is still hope. In this podcast, I talk about different options and techniques that can be used to move past resistant depression.
Today's episode is a very interesting interview with "The Muslim Hippy" herself, Sakinah. I love this interview for several reasons. First off, we covered some great topics and Sakinah was totally open and real about her struggles with severe mental illness. It was also a very authentic picture of how you can persist and do cool things like a podcast interview in the context of your mental illness. Sakinah second guessed whether the interview was good quality because she was just coming off of an episode and felt that her thoughts were scattered. Regardless of this, I think that she did an amazing job and serves a a great model of having mental health issues AND kicking ass. Enjoy!
If you have any suggestions for topics or potential guests, send them over to me at
Hey all! This is a deep dive episode that was prompted by an email question that I got. In this episode, I talk about the different types of therapy that are available. Of course, I don't cover every single one, but I describe some of the types of therapy that you are most likely to encounter including:
Therapy is effective. Many people don't understand how talking with someone can help, but it does. The research is good on therapy outcomes, which is why insurance companies continue to cover it.
Please continue sending me your questions to, especially questions about kids for my upcoming episode with a school psychologist.
Hello! This is a special episode. I got the chance to interview Dr. Andrea Letamendi. She is a clinical psychologist and the host of the Arkham Sessions podcast. She uses comics, nerdom, and pop culture as a vehicle to explain psychological concepts. We had a broad conversation about these topics, her background, and the field of psychology in general. I hope you enjoy!
Please send me your questions about children for an upcoming episode where I will enlist the help of a school psychologist to answer questions about kiddos. You can send them (and other questions) to
Please show Dr. Letamendi some love on twitter at and visit her website at
Hello, friends! This is another question and answer episode. Next week will be an interview with the amazing Dr. Andrea Letamendi all about comic books, pop culture, and mental health.
I would really appreciate it if you would rate the show on iTunes OR share the show with your friends this week.
Here are the questions covered in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to
Today I have an interview with an amazing guest. Dr. Ron Holt is a psychiatrist who stepped away from direct clinical practice to focus directly on advocacy work related to LGBTQ issues. As a proud gay man, he describes his experience growing up and a variety of other topics such as tips for coming out safely.
Please check out Ron's work at and at
Next week will be another question and answer episode, so be sure to send your questions to
Hello, everybody! We are back to the normal question and answer format this week. I really enjoyed episode 100, in which my friend Dan Fields interviewed me as a guest. If you haven't checked that one out yet, I suggest it! Next week will be another interview as well with an awesome guest. Here are the questions that I tackle this week:
If you have a question for the podcast, shoot me an email to or go to
Hello, friends! This is episode 100 of the podcast and as such I wanted to do something a little different. I invited my friend Dan Fields from the Save It For The Show podcast on to interview ME as a guest. We had a really interesting conversation about all kinds of stuff. Honestly, I wish we had another 2 hours to talk. Let me know if you'd like to hear a part 2 in the future. Super huge thanks to Dan for volunteering his time to this episode.
I also just wanted to say THANK YOU. This has been a really special project and I'm proud of what we've created here. I can't believe it's been 100 episodes. I am so honored and thankful for your support.
Episode 99, guys! Next week is big 100. I'll be doing something a bit different for that episode, so make sure you tune in for that one. This week is my first interview of the year. In this episode, I talk to Erez Shek about his experiences with bullying, bipolar, being a gay man, hospitalization, and social media. It was a great conversation!
Please show Erez some love on twitter at: and check out his website at:
Do you have a guest that you would love to hear me interview? Let me know! Shoot me an email to
This episode was brought to you by Sudio. Check out for some awesome Swedish-designed bluetooth headphones. Use the offer code SELFHELP for 15% off!
This episode is actually ripped from a long video that I recorded. I have been thinking a lot about exposure for anxiety lately for multiple reasons. For one, I'm in the middle of creating my online course for anxiety and recently wrote the content for the module on exposure. I have also been frustrated by people that I see in my clinical practice who have gone through years of therapy for their anxiety, but never engaged in exposure treatment for their anxiety.
Research indicates that exposure is a vital component of successful anxiety treatment. It's about facing your anxiety head on and teaching your body to stop reacting so strongly to it.
In this episode, I talk about exposure in general and then break down two methods for gaining exposure and increasing your tolerance for anxiety.
If you'd like to submit a question for a future episode, send it over to
Today's episode is sponsored by Sudio headphones. To see some seriously stylish headphones with great functionality check out and use the code SELFHELP for 15% off of your purchase.
This episode is a normal Q & A. My voice progressively died as I recorded the episode, so you get croaky Robert again. Great variety of questions this time including:
As always you can send me your questions to
Hello, friends! I'm back from my paternity leave. Thank you for the support, the great feedback, and the patience during my absence. Excited to be back at it. Some exciting stuff coming up in the coming months including some really awesome guests. Look forward to that.
This episode is a question and answer episode with questions from my private Hardcore Self Help facebook group. If you aren't a member yet, go to and request access!
Here are the questions:
If you have questions that you would like me to answer, please send them to
Heyoooo! This is one more mini-episode where I am answering a single question rather than 3. If all goes according to plan, this will be the last episode of my paternity leave and I'll be back to normal next week. Thanks for your patience!
Keep sending me your amazing questions to
Hello, everyone!
Today is a mini-episode. I'm still on my paternity leave, so I'm coming at you with a single question and answer, rather than my typical 3 per episode. I hope you enjoy this quick bite of information and I also hope that you're taking great care of yourself.
If you want to send me a question, please do so at
Hey, friends!
I'm currently off on paternity leave, so my friend and fellow psychologist, Amber Baker, Ph.D., is stepping in to answer your questions today. The episode is very similar to my normal question and answer episodes, just with a different host. I think she knocked it out of the park. Be sure to stop by the following links to show her some love and say thanks for doing such a great job.
Please keep sending me your questions to I'll be doing mini episodes for the next two weeks and then I should be back at it with normal episodes.
Hello, friends! It's only been like 3 episodes since I've done a Q&A, but it feels like it has been forever. Super happy to be back here answering your mental health questions. The next 3 episodes will be a bit different due to my paternity leave, which I explain at the top of the episode. Here are the questions for this week:
As always, you can send me your questions to
My wife, Joelle is back on the podcast today. We talk about lots of stuff including anxiety and pregnancy, our plans for the new baby, communication within our relationship, and we also answer some listener questions. Enjoy!
Next week will probably be a normal episode, but after that there will be some mini-episodes and guest spots, as I go on paternity leave.
Definitely keep sending me your awesome questions to
Here we are. It's 2018. Crazy. In this episode, I reflect on the past year and talk about my hopes and goals for 2018. I talk a bit about my personal life, my professional life, and this podcast. Please stop by Twitter or Facebook and let me know what your hopes for the year are!
If you want to send me a question for a future episode, you can reach me at
I know I already did a holiday themed episode, but I figured you guys could use a little more love as you continue through the holiday season. Rather than answering your questions today, I'm going to lead you through a guided relaxation designed to help you de-stress and relieve some of the stress that often accompanies the holidays. Give yourself the gift of relaxation. Put in some headphones. Chill with me. I got you.
No episode next week. Back at it the week after. Keep sending me your questions to
Background music credit:
Today is a question and answer episode. I'm doing two questions instead of three today, just because I've gotta get up early for a talk I'm giving tomorrow. I think these are two really great questions though.
In one of the questions, I reference a video with Kristen Bell, which you can check out at:
In the other, I reference the cycle of abuse image, which you can see here:
Here are the questions:
As always you can send your questions in to
Hey, friends. I'm not sure if you saw the news, but southern California is on fire. I'm safe, but a lot of friends and acquaintances are not. I'm in this eerie spot where we are very close to the fires, but at very low risk, so "normal" life continues on. Decided to do an episode with some of my tips for getting through disasters like this including:
Not sure what format next week's episode will be, but please feel free to keep sending your questions over to and be sure to check out the info for my upcoming course at
Hello, my friends! This episode is just a straight forward question and answer episode with some really awesome questions. This week I am also working on a book proposal for a traditional publisher, which means that you would be able to buy this potential book in stores. That's a bucket list item of mine and I'm excited to keep you updated in the coming weeks/months.
Here are the questions for this episode:
As always you can send me your questions to