Hello, friends! This is a nice and easy two-question Q&A episode. I hope you're all taking great care of yourselves and staying healthy. I'll be back next week with another episode! Here are the questions covered this week:
As always, you can send me questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com If you haven't yet, make sure to check out my comprehensive online course at http://kickanxietycourse.com
This episode is brought to you by Thrive Market. Go to http://thrivemarket.com/duff to learn more.
Hello, friends! This episode features an interview that I did with clinical psychologist Dr. Lindsay Weisner. We talk about many things during the interview, but Dr. Weisner's main goal is to destigmatize the conversation surrounding teen suicidality. Listen to learn more about why and how.
This episode is brought to you by Gravity Blankets. Head over to gravityblankets.com and use the promo code "DUFF" to get 20% off your first weighted blanket order!
Check out the full show notes, including all of Dr. Weisner's links at duffthepsych.com/epsiode206
This is another episode in which I turned on the mic and sort of just rambled. I talk about life during quarantine, I talk about my new poly relationship, I talk about how my house is now stuffed to the gills with people and animals, and I talk about how we are all collectively having a hard time focusing. This is a low-key direct from my heart to your ears type of episode. If it bores you to sleep... you're welcome for the sleep!
This episode was sponsored by the Savvy Psychologist podcast. If you are looking for short digestible bites of mental health and psychology information, give them a try!
In this episode, we are continuing the trend of focusing on content related to the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. However, this week, we are getting back to the normal Q&A format. Here are the questions that are covered:
As always you can send me questions for the show to duffthepsych@gmail.com.
This episode is sponsored by Lionrock Recovery. Check out lionrockrecovery.com/duff for more info about their confidential online treatment programs for substance use.
Don't forget the Kick Anxiety's Ass course will remain open until the end of quarantine before I close new enrollments.
This is a much shorter episode than usual. I just wanted to stop in to give you some words of encouragement and just a little bit of advice. You are allowed to be human and we will all get through this together.
As a reminder, the Kick Anxiety's Ass course enrollments are extended until the quarantine period is finished. Now is the time to invest in your mental health at a hugely discounted rate. Learn more at http://kickanxietycourse.com
Why hello, everyone. I hope you're quarantine is slightly less maddening than mine... I will likely be putting out episodes that are directly or indirectly related to our collective experience of the covid-19 pandemic for a while.
Today's episode is an entire module from my online course, Kick Anxiety's Ass, which is have extended enrollments in until this pandemic has chilled the heck out. This is module 8: The World Is Crazy.
There are three lessons covering ways to better manage the flow of information from news and social media. There is so much information and so many updates right now that it's easy to fall into a pattern of compulsively checking your phone. I hope this helps <3
This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. They are a great option for finding support while you are stuck in your home.
Hello, friends! Well. Things have changed drastically since the last podcast episode. I was thinking about doing something special for episode 200, but since all of our lives have been consumed by this pandemic and the quarantine efforts, I thought it would be most helpful to do something related to that.
In this episode, I give you a few of my thoughts about how to best get through this time and then guide you through some visualization and breathing to help you let go and get some much needed rest. I truly hope that it helps a bit.
Well well well... I definitely did not plan to release this podcast on the week that we find out the world is rapidly approaching a global pandemic, but here we are. In this episode, I speak to guest, Dr. Gordon Asmundson, a psychologist, professor, and author, all about health anxiety. Just as a heads up, we do not talk specifically about COVID-19 or any other Corona viruses in this episode. Rather, this is a subject that many have requested. I will likely speak more about COVID-19 and more about health anxiety in general in a future episode.
Check out Dr. Asmundson's book, It's Not All in Your Head on Amazon!
And don't forget that you have just days left to hop on the massive Kick Anxiety's Ass course discount before enrollments close entirely.
Hello, everyone! Another Q&A episode for you today.
Don't forget that the Kick Anxiety's Ass $75 sale is still going on for a couple weeks before new enrollments close. Check it out if you haven't yet.
Here are the questions covered in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions and suggestions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and full show notes are available at duffthepsych.com/episode198
Lionrock recovery is the sponsor for this episode. Please have a look at their site if you or someone you love needs to change their use of alcohol or other substances.
This episode is a little different. Rather than doing a Q&A, interview, or deep dive, I just wanted to sit with you for a while and give you some updates on where I'm at in life. I'm a real person, just like you. That the whole point of this Duff the Psych "mental health for real people" thing. So, I want to talk with you about my unexpected career changes, what's going on with my kids, how my relationship is going, and just let you in on the guy that you listen to each week. Hope you aren't bored out of your mind!
As a reminder, the Kick Anxiety's Ass course is still going with the massive price drop down to $75 or $25 monthly. Check it out now while you still have the chance!
Hello, friends! This is a nice Q&A episode with questions covering a variety of topics. Hopefully I do a decent job responding despite my sleep deprivation and loopiness!
Here are the questions I cover:
Don't forget that the massive price discount on the Kick Anxiety's Ass course is still on! Check it out at http://kickanxietycourse.com
As always, you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, friends! This is a re-release of episode 98, which is an episode that I refer back to quite often on the show. I talk about the concept of exposure as it relates to anxiety and take you through different techniques for lowering your sensitivity to anxiety. This is must-know information for those that are serious about taking their lives back from anxiety.
I also discuss an immediate change to my online course, Kick Anxiety's Ass. The price has been drastically reduced from $300 to $75! Enrollment in the course will be closing on 3/15/20 so that we can revamp the course and add even more awesome features.
In this episode, I also talk about my blogpost to help you find a therapist, which can be found at duffthepsych.com/findatherapist.
In this episode, I take the following awesome listener questions:
Please continue sending me your amazing questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
For access to the bonus question, check out my Patreon.
This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp.
This is a very interesting interview with Cheryl B. Engelhardt, who is a government scuba diver turned pop artist turned film composer turned meditation music maker. We talk about her life, struggles with panic attacks, and how starting a daily meditation practice helped stop them in their tracks. We also talk about her new album, Luminary, which is available now!
Next week will be a Q&A episode, so send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and if you're interested in checking out my other podcast, about my life and family, have a look at my Patreon.
Hello, friends! Excited to bring you this new Q&A session with three awesome questions (plus one bonus question for Patreon).
Here are the questions covered:
As always you can send me questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
This week's sponsors are Openfit and BetterHelp
Super excited to present this episode to you. I had Dr. Steven Mandel on episode 137 of the podcast to talk about the amazing and life-saving treatment of Ketamine infusions, which have been shown to be an incredibly effective treatment for depression, suicidality, and trauma that doesn't respond well to other treatments. In this episode, we talk more about the difference between these IV infusions of Ketamine and a new player in the game, Ketamine nasal spray. Recently, an Esketamine nasal spray called Spravato was approved by the FDA for use in individuals with treatment-resistant depression. We explore what this means for your treatment and for your wallet.
This episode of Hardcore Self Help is sponsored by Future.
Hello, friends! Super happy to bring you this question and answer episode. You'll have to excuse my congestion. The plague continues in the Duff household. If you'd like to get a 4th bonus question, check out my patreon at http://patreon.com/duffthepsych
Here are the questions covered this week:
As always, if you have questions or topics to suggest, send them over to duffthepsych@gmail.com and stop by my start here page to learn more about what I do!
This episode is an interview with my wife, Joelle Duff. This is technically the first episode of our new Patreon exclusive Duff Family Podcast, which from here on will only be made available to patrons. That doesn't mean that she will never be on HCSH again, but if you want episodes each month, you'll need to head over the check out the Patreon.
In this episode, we sit down on the couch together on New Years Eve 2019 to talk about this past year. This has been a rough one for us, and particularly for Joelle. She has had a severe bout of depression this year that really made things difficult for her. Instead of fighting it, she decided to try something different and lean into what her body was telling her. That meant more rest, alone time, etc. It also meant that she was able to recover enough energy to do some amazing stuff like get a dream job and continue being a fantastic mother, wife, and creative partner.
Thank you so much for spending the end of this decade with us. I'm bringing the fire into 2020, so be ready.
It's been a hell of a year and I think a lot of us could use a breather. In this episode, I take you through a guided meditation to help you get through the holidays, drop your baggage from 2019, and move confidently into 2020. Let's do this.
You guys seriously have the best questions. In this episode, I answer these three:
I have started a Patreon. There are several tiers that you can choose to support my mission to spread mental health content for real people. If you choose not to support, no hard feelings and absolutely nothing will change regarding the free content you get. But if you do choose to help out, there are some amazing bonuses such as...
This episode is a fantastic interview with master couples therapist, Figs O'Sullivan. We spoke together about many topics related to discord in relationships. Figs believes that many of our issues within relationships come from our deep need for belonging and attachment. Rarely are arguments really about the surface level issue. Once we can admit to being wounded together. We can begin to heal together.
Figs has an app and online course available at empathi.com/go
And if you use the coupon code "hardcore self help" you get 50% off!
I also have a couple sales going on. If you use coupon code "anxiousaf" you can get 30% off my ugly holiday sweaters and other designs in the Duff the Psych shop.
You can also get the Kick Anxiety's Ass course for 50% off through the end of the year. Click here or use the coupon code "holidayhalf".
Hello, friends! Today we are tackling a single subject. Something that has been requested numerous times by you guys. That subject is impostor syndrome. In this episode, I will talk about what it is, why we tend to have it, and hopefully give you some tips that can make it impact you less. It's been a stressful week, so before we dive in I invite you to take a few breaths with me to help center ourselves.
If want to learn more about me, check out http://duffthepsych.com/starthere
Send me your questions and suggestions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Today's sponsor is Kencko organic instant smoothies! Check them out at http://kencko.com and use coupon code DUFF for a nice discount!
We are back again with a new Q&A episode! I'm sure you guys missed these over the past few weeks. A few really great questions in here including:
As always you can learn more about me by going to duffthepsych.com/starthere and if you have questions or topic suggestions, send them over to duffthepsych@gmail.com.
This week's sponsors are:
Hello! I am back from vacation and wishing I never left! In all seriousness, I had a great time. But now I'm back with another great episode for you.
This episode is a recording of a live stream that I did on Mxiety's Mixer stream. She interviewed me and we cover a lot of ground. Included in the topics we discuss are:
Mxiety is part of an amazing group of streamers that talk openly about mental health. Please go and support her at the following links:
Hello, friends! Happy Halloween! This is a re-release of an episode I did a couple years ago. Humans are amazing creatures, but we also have a dark side. In this episode, I dive into some of the social psychology experiments that help us understand some of the not-so-great sides of humanity. AND I do all of it in a dramatic reading voice with eerie music in the background. Enjoy!