Hello, friends! This is a fascinating Q&A that answers a question relating to something we call non-clinical auditory hallucinations. In other words, hearing something that isn't actually there. I also offer advice on what you can do when you've hit a roadblock with your depression and anxiety. Enjoy!
Check out my new website at http://robertduffphd.com
If you have a question for a future episode, send it over to duffthepsych@gmail.com
This episode was brought to you by Thrive Market. Head over to http://thrivemarket.com/duff for a free gift with your trial membership!
Hello, friends. A lot of you have been asking to an update from my wife, Joelle. Today, I have her on the show to talk about what led up to her recent mental health crisis and how things have progressed since that time. She has undergone six ketamine infusion treatments, started with a psychiatrist, and started with a new therapist. We talk about all of these things and she does an amazing job of making visual metaphors for the ways in which she is changing. Enjoy!
This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Check out betterhelp.com/duff to get 10% off your first month of professional online therapy.
Hello, friends! This is a great interview with Dr. Drew Anderson, a licensed psychologist specializing in assessing and treating eating disorders, body image disturbance, and the psychological and medical problems associated with these things. Keeping with the COVID-19 focus, we chat about things you need to look out for with regard to disordered eating behaviors when you're in quarantine, as well as things anybody can do to help regulate themselves and stay afloat as well as possible during this period.
As always, you can send me questions or suggestions for future episodes to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Our sponsor for this episode is the awesome Gravity Blankets. Check them out and get 20% off your first order by using the promo code "DUFF"!
As a reminder, the Kick Anxiety's Ass course will remain open until quarantine ends.
This is a super interesting interview with Jonah, who was kind enough to get very person in discussing his experiences with Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). ECT is a safe, but sensationalized, treatment for depression that does not respond to typical treatments such as medication and therapy.
Jonah is also a transgender man who happens to be in a committed polyamorous relationship with two other men. All of these aspects are intertwined in Jonah's story.
Next week will be another Q&A, so be sure to send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Full show-notes available at http://duffthepsych.com/episode155
This is part 2/2 for my series of interviews about Ketamine treatments. In this episode, I interview Jamie AKA "The Gloomy Optimist" about her personal experiences with the treatments that she says saved her life. We go deep into her life-long struggles with anxiety and depression. Jamie is someone who has put in the work. She has tried numerous medications and therapy, but nothing seemed to stick until Ketamine. She describes going into the first infusion suicidal and coming out with hope for the future. Powerful stuff.
Please say hi to Jamie...
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegloomyoptimist/
At her website: http://thegloomyoptimist.com
And as always, you can find the full show notes for this episode at http://duffthepsych.com/episode138
Hello, friends! Sorry for anyone that missed last week's episode. I messed up a little with the technical side of things. We should be all back track this week. If you don't already, please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or whatever podcast player you use, so you never miss out.
Here are the questions for this week:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Hello, everyone!
Today is a mini-episode. I'm still on my paternity leave, so I'm coming at you with a single question and answer, rather than my typical 3 per episode. I hope you enjoy this quick bite of information and I also hope that you're taking great care of yourself.
If you want to send me a question, please do so at duffthepsych@gmail.com
This week we are doing something a little different. I wanted to get into the Halloween spirit, so today on the podcast, I tell you the story of 4 spooky psychology experiments that reveal the darker side of the human condition.
Hello, friends! This episode is coming at you a little late today, which I explain at the beginning. It's important to be honest with yourself and exercise control over your situation to avoid burnout. Here are the awesome questions in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions for the podcast to duffthepsych@gmail.com
You can also sign up to be part of the launch team of my upcoming course, Kick Anxiety's Ass, at http://duffthepsych.com/course
Hey everyone! Back with another question and answer episode after a nice little holiday. I am slightly scatter brained this episode because people kept ringing the door and interrupting me. Grrrrrrr! This episode has some great questions though, so I hope you find some useful bits of information here. This is what I cover:
If you have questions, please send them over to me at duffthepsych@gmail.com or on twitter at http://twitter.com/duffthepsych
Another great episode full of your questions. We start off pretty heavy and then move to some lighter questions. I did record this in the middle of the day and my son started having a meltdown upstairs, so if you listen close you can hear some of him crying toward the end of the episode. Oops!
I would really appreciate it if you shared the show with your friends and/or wrote a review of the show on iTunes. THANKS!!
Here are the questions in this episode:
As always you can send me your questions big or small to duffthepsych@gmail.com http://twitter.com/duffthepsych or http://facebook.com/duffthepsych