This week, I have the amazing Quinn Gee of Magnolia Mental Health back on the show again. She is a "unicorn" in the mental health field. As a black, gay, female therapist, there are many people out there who really benefit from her perspective. She's also really good at her job. As such, she is BUSY. No, I mean BUSY. She puts my work ethic to shame. Unfortunately that also comes at the cost of her own well-being, which she is working on.
In this episode we talk about the realities of being a therapist. We also brainstorm ways that she can take better care of herself for the sake of her own health and for the sake of her clients. It's a really interesting insider peek at those of us that work in helping professions and I think you will enjoy it.
Next week will be another Q&A episode, so send me your questions and topic suggestions to