Super awesome and very brave questions today with some common themes between them. Thank you all so much for continuing to be active participants in this show. Not only are you doing something great for yourself by asking your questions, but you may be helping someone else with a similar concern. Here's what we cover in today's episode:
As always you can reach me on twitter at or via email at
Before I talk about the episode, get your buns over to so that you can enter to win some awesome free stuff. Ending this week.
Anyway, this was another awesome possum question and answer episode. Super pleased with the variety of questions. Nice work and please keep them coming. Here is what we cover in this episode:
As always you can reach my on twitter at or email me
This is another deep dive episode where I focus on one topic and give you more in depth information than I typically do on the Q&A episodes. In this one, I talk all about the different terminology related to mental health treatment. I talk about the different terms for treatment itself such as therapy, psychotherapy, and counseling as well as the different people who provide services such as psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, neurologists, and more.
Fair warning- this information is pretty USA based since some of the terminology varies, but I hope it is helpful nonetheless!
Next week will indeed be another Q&A episode, so keep sending your questions into me at or
On this episode, I talk with Heather Gray from about how she has been able to overcome the very difficult speed bumps in her life by being brave and re-choosing to live a happy life. She is a super strong woman and I think that definitely comes through in the interview. We did experience a few little technical issues during the interview, but I tried my best to edit around them. Apologies if I missed anything.
Please check out Heather on twitter at and visit her website at
Next week is another Q&A so make sure you are sending in your questions!
Another FANTASTIC grouping of questions today. This one is a little on the longer side, but I think there is a lot of valuable content to be had here. Above all I think that these questions were very BRAVE. Keep them coming!
Don't forget to check out the NEW AUDIOBOOK for F**k Depression at
Here are the questions that are covered in this episode:
Don't forget to send your questions in to or