Hey, friends. This episode is a little different. I didn't have time to record a full Q & A episode this week due to life and work. However, I think I found a nice alternative here. Recently I was on Adam Lowery's podcast called Cognitive Rampage. He's a cool dude and has a book by the same name. This turned out to be a wide ranging conversation and I think probably one of the best interviews that I've ever given. So have a listen and head over to Adam's site to see more content. Next week will be back to the Q&A, so send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com
Here's the full podcast on Adam's page: http://adamlowery.com/
Hello, friends! This is another question and answer episode for you. Hey, I'd appreciate it so much if you'd send me some honest open-ended feedback about the podcast to duffthepsych@gmail.com with the subject line "podcast feedback". As long or short as you'd like. You can give me any feedback that you would like.
Anyways, here are the three questions that are covered:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com and you can also see a video bonus question on facebook or youtube.
Hello again, friends. This is another Q&A episode with some really great questions. Wanted to let you know that I am now doing a bonus question each week on youtube and facebook. I also mention the video about finding a therapist online. You can find that at http://duffthepsych.com/findatherapist
Here are the questions that I cover:
As always you can send me your questions to duffthepsych@gmail.com